Rev. Mathew Magera

Rev. Mathew Magera

Senior Pastor

I have been a pastor at Zion since 2019 and I’m excited to be among the people of this congregation and surrounding community. Pittsburgh is a great place to call home and a great place to share the good news of Jesus. I enjoy preaching and teaching, being among people, and talking about how God fits into even the tough spots in life. I’m passionate about living and sharing the love of Jesus. I want Zion to embody this also, what we call a discipleship culture.

When I’m not at Zion, I’m home with my wife, Lane, and our daughter, Skye. We love to travel. As a pilot, I’m fortunate to be able to see God’s creation from above as an exciting hobby.

I would love to get to know you more over a meal, some coffee or tea, or even a glass of wine or a pint.



Rev. Dr. William Beck

Visitation Pastor

I have been the Visitation Pastor at Zion since 2012 and am blessed to perform this ministry. Formerly, I was a Hospital Chaplain at UPMC.  I circulate to visit with approximately twenty-five persons or couples per month, who cannot, for various reasons, attend worship services.  Another scenario is when members or family are in the hospital or rehabilitation facility.  I bring the worship and the Sacrament to them.  I share my love of Jesus with them.  I listen to and am enriched by their stories.  I learn much from these faithful servants.

My free time is shared with my wife, Terry and eight adult children and seven grandchildren.  Otherwise, I enjoy reading military history, skiing, trap shooting, and travel.  

I can always be reached through the office or at the email below.


Sherry Galland

Director of Music

I have been serving in music ministry for over twenty-five years and began serving at Zion Lutheran Church – Brentwood in 2020.  I consider it a privilege and a blessing, to proclaim the Gospel through song and to work with the people of Zion in music ministry!  It is our calling to invite others to use their talents and love of music to create community, and to reach out to others with the love of Jesus.  I really enjoy working with both children and adults as we hear the message of Salvation contained in our music and Jesus’ great love for us.  We grow spiritually and musically in our rehearsals and fellowship together and we would love for you to join us!

I love spending time with my husband, Jon, and our son, Leif.  We enjoy discovering Pittsburgh and the surrounding communities through historical sites, attending the arts, ballet, symphony, zoo, gardens, as well as sporting events.  I enjoy crochet, locker-hooking, photography, crafting, and travel! 

“I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 3:14

Cara Mittenzwey

Administrative Assistant

I am a life-long Lutheran and have been a member of Zion since 2012. I have been one of Zion’s  Administrative Assistants since April of 2014, and I greatly enjoy interacting with members and staff alike. Working at Zion strengthens my faith and allows me to learn new things every day.

My hobbies include knitting, gardening and board games. I am the proud mother / grandmother of two adult children and seven grandchildren who keep me young at heart! 

Carolyn Giovannitti

Administrative Assistant

My faith has increased and many friendships have been made since 1995 when Zion became my church home. It’s been a joy to work in the office since 2017. I am the proud mom of one adult daughter. If I’m not in the office, you will find me reading a book, baking, biking, thrifting, or, most likely, walking the trails at the park.


Zion Lutheran Church

4301 Brownsville Rd.

Pittsburgh, Pa. 15236


Directions & Parking

Ph: 412-881-5512


Zion Lutheran Church © 2021


Zion Worship Times


Saturdays: 5:00 p.m.
Sundays: 9:00 a.m.

ConnectFor:  10:15 a.m.

Adult Sunday School:  10:30 a.m.


Matthew 28:19-20 


Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.



North American Lutheran Church

Zion is a congregation of the North American Lutheran Church (NALC). Above all else, the NALC seeks to be faithful to the Bible and centered on Christ. Learn more about the NALC on their website.